Jesse and Mike stand face to face. Mike smiling. Jesse drilling dead serious. Rain drops
start real light. The wind picks up.
"Shib..." Mike says as he breaks the stair. Pulling the briefcase in close to his chest.
"I'm gonna ask one more time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Who was that Mike?"
Will walks out the building in big strides towards them. "You guys He called! He said he would be here in ten minutes and to forgive him for the delay, he got pulled over for a California roll at a stop sign."
"They didn't search the car did they?" Mike says nervously.
"No they didn't which is good cause we would be in big-" Will isinterrupted by Jesse.
"Mike was talking to someone else in a car Will."
"He saw the car Jesse. He already knows"
"Um knows what?" Will said.
"You know that he talked to the person in the car that came by here?" Jesse says still drilling Mike with a hard stare. "He said it was a chick looking for directions on how to get back onto 6 from here..."
"Why cant you just accept I'm on the level?"
"Cause We aren't on the level Mike" Will says with a raised eyebrow.
"Oh not you too. You guys make me wanna-"
Lightning strikes a street light close by making all three jump.
Mike drops the briefcase. "Holy Shnikies that was close!"
"I think I peed alittle" Will says in a silly voice.
A long pause takes place as the three all take everything in, in their own way. Then finely Jesse breaks the sound of the rain falling. "WHO THE SHIBS WAS IT MIKE!"
"It was a chick!" Mike yelled back.
"Bull!" Will and Jesse said at the same time.
"What do you want me to say? I have nothing to hide, why would you both assume I'm going rouge on you three? I never in our long history have given you guys any reason to doubt my loyalty to you guys. If anything It's me that should be doubting you two gunslinging cowboys. Which by the way we brought in case we need to get away from the police if this were to foul up, not to shoot each other with."
"It's just weird man" Will says " But we gonna have to trust you here he comes."
A red ford tempo drives down towards them. Bass from a crappy rap beat pound there chests. The car pulls up to the corner. The license plate reads GEEZUZ. Mike picks up the briefcase hand shaking either from the cold rain, fear, adrenaline or all three. The driver side door opens and as if ordained from the beginning of time the rain stops. A man steps out dress in FUBU ghetto rapper gear. He is about 6'4" 280 pounds. He throws a brown briefcase on top of the car and then leans into the car to turn it off. The rap music stops and a morning dove coos. Will, Mike, and Jesse stand staring dripping wet, they all have the same look. The same look young siblings give each other at 6am on Christmas morning when they know they gotta wait till 8am to open presents.
Pat looks back with a smirk, "You three ready for this? I know I sure as shib am."
A long pause takes place yet again.... Then Pat reaches into his pockets and pulls out two 44 magnums with a laser sighting and has a red dot on Mike's head and Jesse's head. Will stood standing between the two. He looks at Pat and says "Looks like I picked the right guy to have on my side." He takes two steps back and pulls out the D.eagle .50. "Jesse undo the lock on the black briefcase with your memorized combination and Mike take the brown brief off the Tempo and open it with your combination." Pat looks at Jesse and Mike and says "Trust in this line of work is hard to come by, its a wonder anyone gets anything done." Pat glances at at Will who now looks white as a ghost. "What up Will?"
Mike smiles. Jesse stairs scared and confused.
The four stand there frozen. Pat Mike and Jesse all have a read dot on their forehead. Will drops his gun and raises his hands.
The Chipped Heart
5 years ago
What's shaking pal? It's my first visit to your blog. Big Ty's back on too. Blessings.
I am loving this story.... Pat - I can't believe it's been Pat we've been waiting for!!!! I love it!!!!! - Mommiator
lol thats awesome man! ...was i drunk when this happened??? lol
your so great! (ha-ha-ha)
Come check out my blog sometime @
-Hunter Gabriel
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