So I got an invite to blend my shenanigans with some fellow bloggers. Which might inspire me to start writing on this blog some more. Weird how sometimes all you need is a little push when your on the"HIGH WIRE OF NOT BLOGGIN NO MORE"... and thats all it take to send you falling straight down into the "HORRIBLE MAN EATING ZEBRA PIT OF "OK FINE I BLOG AGAINESS".
I think my blog is less about thinking and more just getting the stuff floating around my head out... I less seizures and aneurysms that way. *drools*
So most my new stuff,I'm sure, will be on the new blog with my buddies. It takes a little more thinking then mine... http://tradersargot.blogspot.com/...
Inspired by the creative spirit of writing, for the creative spirit of people that read writing, because with out creative writing we got the dictionary, and useless crap like that...
"I am such a freakin GENIUS of a smart man!"
-Albert Einstien
though no one ever recorded him saying it...I'm sure he said it at least once... or something like.
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