Crowds fill the sidewalks, horns blar, the subways roll on underneath the busy streets.
Guys checkout girls, girls pretend to not care. Moms and Dads go to work, kids go to school and play sports. No one is quite sure what to make of this life but they all do one thing in common. They fill the role of themselves to whatever end this life lets them. They stretch for the next thing hoping it's better. They hold onto whatever they can that makes them want to wake up the next day. Love, faith, and hope always have hate, fear, and despair at their heels. The world spins in circles. So do the hearts and minds of this incredible yet feeble race.
When you have reached the end of your rope and let go hoping that God will catch you, just remember. God generally is up higher then you so you should have never let go to fall down into the depths where all to often darkness reigns.
The mind can be corrupted by sin, and if your sinning, chances are your mind already is.
The heart is retarded, it keeps beating even when going through a torture that will stop eventually.
You think you have free will? Well guess what it's an illusion. No, I'm dead serious... it is.
But....Jesus Loves you.
He always will.
Love never fails.
So Don't let my crappy view on life make you depressed or feel you gotta fix me.
I'm just not on tonight I guess.
The Chipped Heart
5 years ago
Yo man! Often felt same way bout this blog. But, I also wanted to show you the tat im getting! Lewis's Screwtape Letters book.
This is mike by the way. And, what i meant to say is the quote is from the book Screwtape Letters. haha Love ya man!
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