A fiery desire to be intimate with my creator has left me black and scared,
Like the tip of a great snow peaked volcano.
Like a rain forest that has had no rain for months,
I wither while every thing inside me suffers.
The desires of my heart will be the death of me.
The beauty I desire is out of my aching hearts reach.
De Los Rios e:imanrtst@hotmail.com

Dear Jesus please show me why I should not quit.
Do you know what your heart's desires are? Does it involve only you or others? Do others share your heart's desires? What about others who are crying out for someone like you to care about them? Just curious.We are all crying out for something. Love may be in your fingertips and you don't realize it until you touch someone.
Faith. Blind faith. Not easy to give, not easy to live with, but it is what is demanded of us.
It is knowing with an absolute certainty that what we endure here is worth what He will reward us with THERE. That when He wipes away every tear the touch of His finger will be better than anything we ever could have imagined for ourselves.
Try to Abide, as opposed to hanging on. Saying a prayer for you.
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