One day a huge tornado decided to hit a poor ass little town in Kansas. Some chick named Dorthy and her little dog named "To-To" happened to be in the only house that got sucked up the tornado. Instead of the house (and Dorthy) being ripped into millions of pieces, "the powers that be" decided they would send the house into another dimension. The house landed on top of a witch that had no sense of footware fashion. Unfortunately the house missed her shoes. Anywho... Dorthy found out quickly that this dimension wasn't your typical parallel universe gig that writer's that aren't on drugs come up with. No this was the methextacy kinda crap like the Alice in wonder land guy. There were house sized flowers, little gnome punks, Escher architecture, and Europeans. Anyways she found out from some ugly Lollipop guildies that if any one could get her back to her poverty stricken town it would be some wizard in the Emerald City. Which, to get to, she would have to take a yellow brick road there, and pay the lollipop dudes a buck-tree-fity for the info. She met a crack-head Scarecrow that decided to join her on her journey to see the wizard to get off crack once and for all. Shortly after, she met a cool tin art peice of a lumber jack that made noise, but she didn't really have time to stop and check it out, (To-To peed on it). She also came across a lion that scared the crap outta them but the crack-head scarecrow Glocked his ass down. Then they took a break in an opium field and had some good laughs. They hilucinated, seeing flying monkeys. Dorthy had a bad trip and threw some Hydrocloric acid, she was water, on a mailman she thought was a witch. And then finally got to the Emerald City. There she got to meet some nerd projecting himself impersonating a giant floating head (Which is what I think of when I think of a powerful being....). She comes to find it's the "wizard" and they had what she was looking for to get home, back on the feet of the dead witch in the creepy gnome place. So she said frig it I'll just stay here, home sucked anyways. So she started her own opium shop in Emerald City and was successful. The scare crow checked himself into rehab but ended up blowing his brains out because he couldn't take it. To-To met a bulldog that bore him 5 beautiful puppies.